Introduction to Leadership

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

Introduction to Leadership


The aim of this session is to challenge you to consider what type of leader you currently are and what type of leader you want to be. It will provide a route map as to how you can take charge of your leadership style and make positive steps to bring those ideas to life within your own working environment.


  • Explore key aspects of high performing leaders and examine the impact of leadership style on organisational performance.
  • Review and consider the role of the leader in creating change, especially the power of Purpose and having a Vision and Mission.
  • Practice applying the High Performance Goaling setting model.
  • Review the Rocket Leadership Competency Framework and start the process of self benchmarking.


Ian Howell

Rocket Coaching

Ian has a 30 year background in high-performance sales and leadership training. He has extensive exposure in cultivating sales leadership and coaching skills across all levels in organisations. This means he is as comfortable working with C Level executives, as he is with first line Managers.

Find out more about Ian >

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